19 July 2021

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (19 July 2021)


  • A code of conduct for South African National Defence Force (SANDF) members deployed to hotspot areas was gazetted on 14 July.


  • The additional deployment of 25000 SANDF members was confirmed on 16 July by notice in the Government Gazette.


  • On 16 July, the sale of petrol and diesel in containers was banned in regulations that will be amended ‘soon’ to clarify what is meant by ‘container’, according to a Department of Mineral Resources and Energy media statement.


  • The suppliers of certain essential goods and services were granted a block exemption on 15 July allowing them to participate in collusive vertical and horizontal practices prohibited under the 1998 Competition Act, as amended.


  • The Justice and Constitutional Development ministerial directive referred to below includes ‘special measures’ applicable to court cases ensuing from the ongoing unrest.


  • Recent amendments to the Covid-19 disaster management regulations referred to below were made to allow certain leaders to hold gatherings on ‘emergency matters’.


  • The 27 June Covid-19 disaster management regulations for adjusted lockdown level four, as amended on 29 June and again on 11 July, were further amended:
    • on 14 July, allowing MPs, the members of provincial legislatures, councillors, the leaders of political parties, traditional leaders and religious leaders to:
      • travel between Gauteng and other provinces and host gatherings on ‘emergency matters’, and
    • later the same day limiting the number of people at such gatherings to 50 or fewer, depending on available floor space given prevailing social distancing requirements.


  • On 16 July, a ministerial directive was issued on measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 in courts, courthouses and at justice service points during all adjusted lockdown levels.


  • A ministerial directive gazetted on 15 July confirmed announcements made on 11 July by President Cyril Ramaphosa regarding the status of certain business licences and trade permits.


  • A Department of Employment and Labour media statement issued on 16 July announced that the Unemployment Insurance Fund will on 19 July begin accepting applications for Ters benefits for employees affected by restrictions in place since 16 March.


  • On 16 July, a ministerial directive was issued postponing the reopening of schools to 26 July.


  • A ministerial directive gazetted on 16 July has confirmed that live biodiversity auctions are permitted, but with strict limitations on the number of people present.




  • The latest deadline by which the Zondo Commission should have concluded its work was confirmed on 16 July by proclamation in the Government Gazette.


Prepared by Pam Saxby

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